About Us
About Us
Ride Health Group, our mission – to provide compassionate, safe and timely transportation to those who need it most. Over the years, we have 50-people on our team with an extensive vehicle fleet and locations all over Broward County. This project began with a simple idea: provide a first-class service. To achieve that goal, a young IT manager and a proven leader on business management got together to develop a company called: Ride Health Group Taking advantage of many years of experience and an extensive knowledge on large projects the group gentlemen convened solid and fresh ideas which all together will change the rules of the Non-emergency emergency transportation service for the best. Starting on south Florida, this goal orientated company uses technology.

Take care of the people by providing an agile and efficient Non-emergency medical transportation service with a solidary attention to the passengers and thus strengthen their lives when they more need it
We Provide clean cars to transport people with professional and prepared drivers ready to attend first aid if needed, and fully utilize technology to keep the performance as high as possible to avoid delays and eradicate complaints.